Thursday, September 24, 2009


I sat down the other day and I wondered how you select the best gift for everybody this Christmas. I did some research to understand how people decide what to buy for their loved ones. There are many ways of doing this, but what if you bought your friend, colleague or even your spouse something they don’t need. Sometimes back a friend of mine was getting married and I needed to buy a gift for him. I went, out did some window shopping and later bought a microwave. With the gift wrapped, I headed for the wedding and gave out my gift. After their honeymoon, I went to visit then, and they took me around their beautiful new house and when I got to the kitchen, the microwave I had bought was not there, there was a far more expensive microwave model which made me feel like I had bought a toy for a gift. What I learned then has made me develop this method of actually asking my friends and relative what they would like for their Christmas gifts. This way, I manage to buy them the one thing that will make their Christmas memorable. This Christmas, why don’t you ask everybody you plan to buy a gift what they would want? Call it a wish list. It is not a new thing; we used to do it when we were young when we told Father Christmas what we wished to have during Christmas. With the wish list visit Amazon and buy something for everybody.

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